Choose from the options below and we will endeavour to find the perfect custom didge blank to suit.
The length of the didgeridoo affects the frequency and pitch (or key) of the instrument. View this chart for more info about lengths and the corresponding keys. It is always a good idea to start a bit longer than the length you plan to end up with. Also, because of the slight taper, bends and irregular shape of the internal bore, the finished didge will usually be a bit longer than the chart length given for any particular key. We recommend you start with a blank that is about 300mm longer than the chart length given.
The cost of our premium custom blanks range between $100 - $400.
We do not recommend customers buy the premium blanks until they are confident and competent as didgeridoo makers.
Once you've submitted this form, we will reach out to you with the options we have and the cost as soon as possible.